Prima donna

Vivaldi and his star: a pyrotechnic recital!

Prima Donna

Vivaldi and his star: a pyrotechnic recital!

Adagio e spiccato, Allegro, extraits du Concerto pour 2 violons et violoncelle RV 578

"Qual Furore, qual affanno", air dAsteria, extrait de Bajazet, RV 703

« Cum dederit », extrait de Nisi Dominus, RV 608

Sinfonia RV 156 (Allegro, Adagio, Allegro)

Récitatif « Milites hum venite » et Aria « Armatae face et anguibis », air de Vagaus, extrait de Judith Triumphans, RV 644

Allegro, extrait du Concerto RV 152

“Eia mater” et “Fac ut ardeat”, extrait de Stabat Mater, RV 621

Sinfonia (Andante molto), extrait de Bajazet, RV 703

“Sposa son disprezzata”, air d’Irena, extrait de Bajazet, RV 703

“Svena, uccidi”, air d’Asteria, extrait de Bajazet, RV 703

Allegro, extrait de la Sonate pour violoncelle RV 44 

« Qual guerriero in campo », air d’Irena, extrait de Bajazet, RV 703

Blandine de Sansal, mezzo soprano
Le Concert de l’Hostel Dieu
Franck-Emmanuel Comte, harpsichord and musical direction
Reynier Guerrero, violin
Sayaka Shinoda, violin
André Costa, viola
Aude Walker-Viry, cello
Nicolas Janot, doublebass
Morgan Marquié, theorbo

On stage:
1 soloist, 7 instrumentalists

The daughter of a French wigmaker living in Mantua, mezzo-soprano Anna Giraud met Vivaldi in the same town. The young girl and the musician became friends, and he gave her lessons, which continued in Venice at the Ospedale della Pietà. Captivated by the girl who was to become one of the principal Prima donnas of the Serenissima, the red-haired priest composed for Anna - nicknamed "La Girò"No less than a dozen of his leading roles. "L’Anima Del prete rosso"who, as the Venetians called her, became the Prima donna of such major works as Griselda, Orlando, Alcina, Bajazet….

Without displaying the virtuosity of the great castrati, she was recognised for her many qualities: expressive singing, a flattering range in the lower register, the charisma and charm of an advantageous physique and, above all, a proven talent for acting, which earned her the praise of Goldoni. The period also remembered the aura of mystery and scandal that accompanied the supposed love affair between the master and his muse...

See the portrait of Anna Giraud on the Quell'Usignolo website



RESMUSICA | 05.07.2023 | Pierre Degott
“At ease with the fearsome vocalisations of the famous « Agitata da due venti », the young singer also knows how to bend her voice to the long phrases of « Sposa son disprezzata » of Bajazet. His interpretation ofAlcina fait valoir tout le velouté et le capiteux d’un timbre naturellement rond et chaleureux […] Magistralement accompagnée par les musiciens du Concert de L’Hostel Dieu, sous la direction de Franck-Emmanuel Comte, Blandine de Sansal is clearly a favourite child of the Froville Festival, and we look forward to hearing her again in the years to come.”

RESMUSICA | 03.10.2024 | Stéphane Reecht
“What strikes you straight away is the freedom of tone of the musicians of the Concert de l'Hostel Dieu. Preludes are improvised, one instrument entering after another, before the piece really begins, as in Santiago de Murcia's tarantella. [...] The assurance and cohesion of the ensemble are impressive. Heather Newhouse's soprano voice has only to settle on this superb instrumental background. By turns rousing, heroic and tragic, the Canadian soprano's expression always hits the mark.”

With the support of SPEDIDAM.


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