Florian Gazagne
Recorder & bassoon
Florian Gazagne began playing the recorder at the age of 6 at the Castelginest music school in Haute-Garonne. At the age of 13, he entered Pierre Tillous's class at the CNR in Toulouse, winning a gold medal four years later. He then embarked on two years of advanced studies in Marc Armengaud's class. In addition to his teachers, he has taken part in various training courses and master classes with Frédéric de Roos, Julien Martin, Michael Form, Rachel Brown and Walter Van Hauwe.
In 2008, he joined Pierre Hamon's class at the CNSMD in Lyon, where he obtained his master's degree in recorder with honours in May 2013. While Florian Gazagne is passionate about music from the Middle Ages to the Baroque period, he is particularly interested in contemporary music and new works. In March 2011, he played with the Orchestre national de France in N’zah, a piece for large orchestra by Benjamin Attahir, recorded for France Musique.
Also a bassoonist, he unanimously won the German bassoon prize as well as the harmony and counterpoint prizes at the CRR in Lyon, and then joined Carlo Colombo's class at the CNSMD in Lyon. He obtained his master's degree with honours in June 2017. During his studies at the CNSMD, he took the opportunity to learn the baroque bassoon with Laurent Le Chenadec.
This versatility has enabled him to play in a wide range of ensembles with varied repertoires: Correspondances, Caravansérail, Orchestre baroque de Toulouse, Orchestre de l'Opéra de Lyon, Le Concert de l'Hostel Dieu, Hespèrion XXI-Jordi Savall, Le Poème Harmonique...
He is artistic director of the Consort Brouillamini, an ensemble of 5 recorder players, and is also bassoonist and recorder player with the ensemble Il delirio fantastico conducted by Vincent Bernhardt, with whom he recorded a critically acclaimed CD of Antonio Vivaldi's Concerti da camera in 2015.
Lully and the recorder, by Florian Gazagne