Le Concert de l'Hostel Dieu is honoured to be the new ensemble in residence at the Chapelle de la Trinité from the 24-25 season! This year, more than ever, your support is essential to help us develop our mission: music to thrill and open up to others.

Support an ensemble that reflects your image

By making a donation to CHD, you are helping to develop projects which require substantial funding. We regularly benefit from public and private grants, but it is your donations that help us to achieve our most ambitious goals, which revolve around 3 areas :

  • Creation and distribution
  • Artistic and cultural education
  • Inclusiveness and professional integration

Corporate sponsorship is a scheme that enables companies to make a donation to an organisation in support of a work of general interest. In return for this donation, you can benefit from a tax reduction of 60% of the amount of your donation, up to a limit of 0.5% of your turnover (article 238 bis of the French General Tax Code). Donations can be made in cash, in kind or in skills.

Amount of

1 000 €
10 000 €
50 000 €

reduction (60%)
600 €
6 000 €
30 000 €
Amount of your contribution
(maximum of 25%)
250 €
2500 €
12 500 €

Coût réel
de votre

150 €
1 500 €
7 500 €

Let's put together an authentic experience!

Each sponsor is unique, which is why we tailor our thanks to your needs.
Le Concert de l'Hostel Dieu is keen to build partnerships with its sponsors that go beyond the traditional donation, and to work with them to devise services, events and benefits in line with its creations and the needs of the company:

  • Private concerts
  • Access to rehearsals, VIP seats at concerts
  • Group workshops on working together, managing emotions and heritage and innovation
  • Conferences with Franck-Emmanuel Comte and meetings with the artists

Foundations and companies, recent or long-standing partners, they provide us with essential support in implementing our artistic and cultural projects. We thank them for their loyalty and commitment.

They've supported us for the last 2 years!


As a prelude to each of these partnerships, Le Concert de l'Hostel Dieu provides a sponsorship charter, documenting the fundamental elements of the donation process. This charter also sets out the values that should unite the ensemble and its sponsors.


By bank transfer: IBAN FR76 1680 7004 0000 2005 2248 592 - BIC: CCBPFRPPGRE
By cheque: payable to Le Concert de l'Hostel Dieu, to be sent to 10 rue Bourgelat - 69002 Lyon

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