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CRESCENDO MAGAZINE | 20/02/2025 – Victoria Okada
‘At the height of her powers, the singer's singing is highly expressive, with clear high notes and a slightly shadowy mid-range. [...] Franck-Emmanuel Comte's direction from the harpsichord highlights the diversity of each piece, to which the musicians respond in perfect harmony'.
STRETTO | 27/02/2025 – Michel Dutrieue
« Naast het plezier van het ontdekken van deze compleet nieuwe muzikale pareltjes, zal dit project u meenemen naar de opwindende, dubbelzinnige en fascinerende wereld van Hamlet, wiens geesten deze mooie wandeling door een herontdekt barok Italië zullen verlevendigen. »
‘As well as the pleasure of discovering these truly original musical gems, this project will plunge you into the bewitching, ambiguous and fascinating world of Hamlet, whose ghosts will enliven this beautiful walk through a rediscovered Baroque Italy'.
PREMIERE LOGE | 28/02/2025 – Marc Dumont
‘In the end, it's quite rare that once you've finished listening to a record, you feel the urge to listen to it again straight away. With this one, it's even more serious, Doctor: it's with each tune that the need arises'.
‘A programme of superb originality, inspired conducting and a vocal performance that is quite simply... pure joy!'
FORUM OPERA | 28/02/2025 – Yvan Beuvard
‘The joy is constant, and we never tire of listening to this captivating recording, with its splendid colours, phrasing and articulation. The exceptional qualities of the performers, the variety of affects, the instrumental pages, all delight us'.
MUSICOLOGIE.ORG | 01/03/2025 – Alfred Caron
‘Although three of these arias are world premieres, the whole of this disc is a real discovery, even beyond the rarity of the repertoire, thanks to the qualities of the performers who defend it’.
LA SCENA MUSICALE | 11/03/2025 – Heather Weinreb
'[Roberta Mameli] possesses a honey-like tone and superb vocal control which resulted in many lively Baroque ornamentations speckled throughout her performance'.
Print media
LE DEVOIR | 10/03/2025 – Christophe Huss
‘Convincing and impressive on record, the project is even more so on stage thanks to the radiant presence of soprano Roberta Mameli, who takes on the roles of Hamlet's mother, fiancée and even Hamlet himself, when the role was given to a castrato’.
TRIBUNE DE LYON | 01/2025 – Luc Hernandez
‘Echoing Shakespeare's myth, Franck-Emmanuel Comte has rediscovered previously unpublished sinfonias, arias and fragments of operas inspired by the same libretto by the Venetian poet Apostolo Zeno. The result is the very best of eighteenth-century Italian vocal music'.
RCF – Tous mélomanes | 13/02/2025 – Jacques Nouvier
RADIO PLURIEL | 16/02/2025 – Hervé Laurent
FRANCE MUSIQUE | 18/02/2025 – Emilie Munera
‘The arias that remain from these lost operas are brought to life by the Concert de l'Hostel Dieu and the charismatic soprano Roberta Mameli, who lends her supple voice to the eponymous Danish prince and the strong women who surround him [...]’.