Bach or no Bach?
Bach or no Bach?
Johann Sebastian Bach ... or not?
Suite n°5 BWV 1070 (ouverture)
Aria « O seid mir sehnsuchtsvoll geküßt »
Extraite de la Cantate BWV 222 : Mein Odem ist schwach
Aria « Bist du bei mir » BWV 508
Polonaise BWV Anh.125 en sol mineur
Aria « So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife » BWV 515
Aria choral « Lass mich nur, Herr, wie Simeon »
Extraite de la Cantate BWV 222 : Mein Odem ist schwach
Suite n°5 BWV 1070 (Torneo, Aria)
Aria « Auf, freue dich, Seele, du bist nun getröst »
Extraite de la Cantate BWV 15 : Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Hölle lassen
Cantate BWV 53 : Schlage doch gewünschte Stunde
Suite n°5 BWV 1070 (extraits de Menuetto, Capriccio)
Cantate BWV 169 « Gott soll allein mein Herze haben »
Axelle Verner, mezzo soprano
Reynier Guerrero and Sayaka Shinoda, violons
Aurélie Métivier, viola
Aude Walker-Viry, cello
Nicolas Janot, doublebass
Franck-Emmanuel Comte, harpsichord, organ and direction
1 soloist, 6 instrumentalists
Listen to Bach differently!
This is the aim of this discovery concert, which follows in the footsteps of the forgotten, unpublished or apocryphal music of J.S. Bach.
In a way, this concert raises the question of 'branding' in music: does knowing whether the cantata we're listening to is really by the great Bach or the work of an obscure cousin from Thuringia affect our listening? Can't we listen to music just for what it is: a successful - or unsuccessful - combination of harmonies, melodies and rhythms? These are the questions that audiences may well ask themselves when they leave this concert, which brings together works attributed to J.S. Bach and others considered to be apocryphal.
Franck-Emmanuel Comte will use a few didactic commentaries to encourage the audience to reflect on these issues. With only the titles of the works and the number of their entry in Wolfgang Schmiedel's famous catalogue (BWV) on the page, everyone can make up their own mind and hone their Sherlock Holmes instincts!
This listening experience may be accompanied by a quiz, depending on the wishes of the audience and the organisers.The idea is twofold: to introduce listeners to little-known works and to awaken their critical faculties.